Argan Oil Benefits for Skin Health

Argan Oil Benefits for Skin Health

It didn't take long for argan oil to go from a beautiful plant to one of the most famous oils used in skincare products. The many health benefits associated with argan oil are responsible for this success.

Sometimes referred to as "liquid gold," you can find this oil in almost every cosmetic product. So it must be really good, right?

Yes, it is!

But do you actually know why it's so widely used in beauty products?

Argan oil for hair and skin health is pure magic, but there's so much more to this miracle worker. We're here to help you learn the facts and discover what makes this oil so special.

Discover all those amazing argan oil benefits. We'll show you how to choose the best argan oil product and how to use it in your daily skincare regimen to get all the goodies for your skin.

Let's start.

argan tree

What Exactly is Argan Oil?

Pure argan oil comes from the argan tree. Argan trees, native to the dry lands of southwest Morocco, are slow-growing. The oil extraction requires a very complicated multistep process that begins with careful fruit drying.

It's mainly produced for edible and beauty products.

Traditionally, argan oil was used in Morocco as a topical remedy for various hair and skin problems, such as dry skin, acne, psoriasis, eczema, wrinkles, dry hair, and hair loss. You can use argan oil to reduce inflammation, even skin tone, reduce dark spots, and more.

(Psst, you can use Misumi's Complete Clear 3-Step System to reduce inflammation and acne flare-ups, too!)

When ingested, the oil has many health benefits and has been used as an anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, hepatoprotective, and choleretic remedy.

Today, argan oil is mostly industrially prepared in Europe as an ingredient for shampoos, moisturizers, and other cosmetic products.

woman from marocco

Characteristics of Argan Oil

Before you start worrying whether this oil might clog your pores, let's clear the air.

Not all oils are created equally. Just think of motor oil and sunflower oil - one, you use for your car and the other, you use for cooking. Every oil has a different formulation and absorption rate, making it better or worse for different skin types and conditions.

For example, castor oil and tea tree oil are great for oily skin since they can inhibit excess sebum production and, therefore, excess oil.

Coconut and olive oil, on the other hand, are heavier. So, even though they are highly nutritious, they can clog pores and make things worse for oily skin. However, they work great as moisturizers to treat dry skin.

Argan oil falls somewhere in the middle - it's not too heavy and not too light. But, compared to other oils, argan oil has a smaller molecular size, allowing it to penetrate the cells' walls and be absorbed quickly. This gives argan oil the ability to hydrate the skin without clogging pores.

oil on hands

When you pair this ability with the high nutritional density of argan oil, you can start to see why people lose their heads over it.

Argan oil is high in Vitamin E, Vitamin A, and essential fatty acids. Vitamin E is fat-soluble and serves as a strong antioxidant, reducing the damaging effects of free radicals.

Its fatty acid composition consists of almost 80% of unsaturated fatty acids with oleic and linoleic acids as the main components. Its uniqueness comes from being high in both - oleic (omega 9) and linoleic acid (omega 6), which is rare to find. Both ingredients are known for aiding in acne-related problems.

Oleic acid is a blessing for dry and aging skin since it penetrates easily into the skin's surface, refilling lost moisture and preventing it from evaporating. Oleic acid also makes the oil greaser and pore-clogging, which is why experts advise using oils that have higher linoleic acid than oleic. Hint - argan oil has that!

Linoleic acid is of particular significance to the skin because it plays a crucial part in building the structure of the skin's barrier. A strong skin barrier helps keep water in and pollutants out. Also, the topical use of linoleic acid helps reduce acne breakouts.

making oil

What is Argan Oil Used For?

In the cosmetic industry, pure argan oil is most commonly used for achieving shinier and healthier hair and soft, glowing and clear skin. Argan oil moisturizes the skin, and its powerful anti-aging properties can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, treat acne breakouts and acne scars, and reduce stretch marks.

Benefits of Using Argan Oil for Skin

Argan Oil Moisturizes the Skin

The powerful combination of vitamin E and fatty acids with the right ratio of oleic and linoleic acid is what gives argan oil potent hydrating, moisturizing and nourishing properties. It's great for the skin because it absorbs quickly and doesn't clog the pores.

Argan oil can save your skin from drying out if you live in a cold climate.

You might even find websites that recommend replacing your moisturizer with argan oil.

mousturize the skin

But is that wise?  

Argan oil won't hurt your skin, but you should look at it as an addition rather than a replacement for standard moisturizers. Dermatologists say that a good moisturizer has to deliver both water and oil. You can use argan oil as a way of finishing your beauty routine to lock down all the nutrients you've just received.

Treating Acne Breakouts

Can argan oil clog pores and contribute to acne or other inflammatory skin conditions?

In short - no.

Argan oil decreases the excess sebum activity on the skin, which is a common reason for frequent acne breakouts and more inflamed pimples. In 2007, a
study proved this effect clinically by testing the efficacy of sebum control argan oil cream. The results showed that topical application of argan oil products might improve the appearance of oily and acne-prone skin.

Additionally, pure argan oil has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling and soothe acne symptoms. You can even try applying argan oil directly on the skin. It won't leave any greasy residue or cause infections in skin affected by acne. If you suffer from acne or other inflammatory skin conditions, we recommend introducing this oil into your skin care routine.


Anti-Aging Properties

It's not just its anti-inflammatory properties that make this oil so sought after. The claim that argan oil is a powerful tool in the battle against age is not merely anecdotal. For example, in 2015 scientists found that using both dietary and cosmetic argan oil significantly improves skin elasticity in postmenopausal women.

The omega fatty acids that make up most of this oil are really beneficial and help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and brown spots. It also fights off dryness and tightens the skin. This counters the effects aging has on skin health.

Treating Razor Bumps and Wounds

One recent study highlighted the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of argan oil that might help your skin heal faster. It can help treat skin infections and soothe wounds. Another study conducted on rats showed that argan oil significantly accelerates the wound-healing process, although more studies are needed to confirm the same effects in humans.

Still, keep in mind the moisturizing properties of argan oil and the potential benefits of healing wounds. Next time you find yourself with a razor bump, apply a few drops of argan oil on the affected area. You can use argan oil on the legs and bikini line or, for men, on the beard area. Using it like this might minimize ingrown hairs too.

oil on skin

Does Argan Oil Reduce Stretch Marks?

Argan oil is really popular in over-the-counter products that claim to reduce stretch marks. Interestingly enough, there's no conclusive proof that the oil is, in fact, effective in reducing the appearance of stretch marks. But, the known abilities to tighten the skin and improve skin's elasticity might indicate that argan oil can lead to some success.

Because it's so good for the skin, there's no harm in trying it out on your stretch-mark-affected areas.

Protection From Sun Damage

sun burn

In addition to improving your skin's texture, argan oil can help you protect the skin from damaging ultraviolet rays. The high content of Vitamin E and antioxidants are the main culprits for this ability. More so, if your skin is already dealing with a nasty sunburn, you can apply argan oil to soothe the pain and help the burns heal faster.

Just a reminder - argan oil isn't a substitute for sunscreen, but rather gives your skin some extra layer of protection and helps rejuvenate it after being exposed to sunlight.

Side-Effects of Using Argan Oil for Skin

The benefits of argan oil are many and outweigh any risks. Using argan oil topically is considered safe, and side effects are extremely rare. There's always the possibility that you might be allergic. This means you might experience minor side effects when you use it - especially the first time.

If you have tree nut allergies, your skin might react to argan oil, and you may develop an irritation or a rash. Even though argan oil doesn't belong to the nut trees group, it can still aggravate your skin. Common reactions in these cases include redness, itchy skin, rashes, or difficulty breathing.

Is Argan Oil Good for All Skin Types?

oil in small tubes

Yes! Because of its small molecular size, easy absorption, and non-comedogenic properties, argan oil works well with all skin types.

Dry skin - Argan oil is an amazing moisturizer that helps the skin stay hydrated for a long time. It also balances sebum production, which reduces the flakiness and itching related to dry skin. Get the healthy skin you've always wanted by using argan oil every day.

Oily skin - The ability to balance sebum production works amazing for oily skin. In this case, argan oil will inhibit the activity of the sebaceous glands. Packed with many antioxidants and vitamin E, argan oil will scavenge free radicals and reduce inflammation and frequent breakouts.

Combination skin - Combination skin is a mix of oily and dry skin, where different areas of the face have different oil-gland activity. Because we already mentioned that argan oil works for both oily and dry skin, people with a combination skin type should not worry. Argan oil will help your skin regain its moisture where it's a little dry and will nourish oiler skin without clogging the pores.

Sensitive skin - This oil is gentle on the skin, which means people with sensitive skin can also use it. Some experts believe it might help clear up eczema, rosacea, or other skin conditions. But, just to be safe, those with sensitive skin should test the product on a small patch first to ensure no negative reactions.

How to Choose the Best Argan Oil Product

argan oil product

There are many skin and hair products on the market, with many different formulations and production methods. Here are some tips to keep in mind before purchasing this amazing oil, to ensure you're getting the best product for your skin.

  • Don’t buy a product that's stored in a clear plastic bottle because light can affect the quality of the oil. The best option is to look for argan oil stored in a dark glass bottle.
  • Argan oil is almost scentless, or it might have a really mild scent. Avoid argan oil products that have a strong scent.
  • Take a look at the ingredient list. Avoid products that use artificial fragrances in their formulation. Most of the time, manufacturers use fragrances to make the product more attractive. But this can cause some skin irritations and rashes.
  • Look for raw and cold-pressed argan oil products.
  • Quality argan oil has a beautiful golden color, and it’s a clear liquid.

How to Use Argan Oil in Your Daily Skincare Routine

flowers in hands

Argan Oil as a Moisturizer

Argan oil works as an amazing moisturizer when applied directly to the skin. Being high in antioxidant properties, vitamin E, and fatty acids, this oil is sure to give the skin a healthy boost. Vitamin E will help the skin strengthen its barrier and retain more hydration.

You can also enrich your current moisturizer. Just add argan oil to your moisturizer bottle. Make sure not to overdo it, though. A few drops are more than enough.

Extra tip - We're mostly focusing on skin, but if you want to improve your hair health, add a few drops to your shampoo. Alternatively, you can find store-bought hair oils, shampoos, and masks that feature this miracle ingredient. This is because argan oil can moisturize the hair, stimulate hair growth, and more.

Rejuvenating Argan Oil Face Mask

Argan oil is relatively light and absorbs quickly, hydrating the skin for a long time. So, how do you use it as a face mask?

Well, just pick a natural face pack from
here, with ingredients that work best for your skin type, and add a few drops of argan oil. Follow the instructions for the chosen face pack and enjoy while your skin feeds on the natural and moisturizing ingredients.

natural skincare products

Argan Oil as an Overnight Cream

Why not try leaving argan oil on the skin overnight?

Before going to bed, clean your face with warm water and a gentle cleanser to get rid of makeup residue and dirt build-up from the day. When you're sure that your face and hands are clean, apply argan oil directly to your palm and gently massage it into your face in a circular motion.

The vitamins and fatty acids inside the oil will nourish and keep your skin moisturized throughout the night.

Argan Oil as an Exfoliant

There are two options when it comes to using this oil as an exfoliant. Either find an argan oil-based product with exfoliating properties, or you can make your own exfoliator at home.

It's really easy to make.

Just mix one tablespoon of brown sugar with a couple of drops of argan oil in your hand. Rub the mixture into your face in a circular motion for a few minutes. Afterward, wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry. In the end, you can apply a moisturizer.

Be careful with sugar, and avoid using too much pressure, especially if you have sensitive skin. This motion can be too harsh and irritate the skin.

Why exfoliate?

Regular exfoliation removes dead skin cells and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This will give you a younger, fresher appearance.

mask for face

Argan Oil as a Hydrating Toner

Using a toner in your daily skincare routine is a really important step. They are necessary for people with oily and acne-prone skin. A good toner (like Misumi's Pore Purifying Toner) will help you gently exfoliate and clean the skin from any dirt and heavy makeup.

The common concern regarding toners is the possibility of leaving the skin too dry, but you can easily take care of this with argan oil. Just add a few drops to your favorite toner. This way, you will get clear but also moisturized and soft skin without worrying about dry patches.

Make sure to use a moisturizer afterward.

Argan Oil for Your Lips

If you feel your lips are rough and peeling, you can make yourself an exfoliating treatment and moisturize them afterward. This will make them soft and glowy.

Just mix together one tbsp of brown sugar, a few drops of vanilla extract, and a few drops of argan oil. Apply the mixture on your lips using your fingertips and gently massage them. After a couple of minutes, rinse off with lukewarm water. Finish the procedure by applying a few drops of argan oil directly on the lips.

woman smiling

Argan Oil as a Carrier Oil

What does this mean? Well, there are a lot of essential oils out there that hold many benefits for the skin. However, most are too strong to be applied directly to the skin. Argan oil acts as a carrier oil, which means it will cancel out any irritation essential oils might cause. Dilute your favorite pure oil with argan oil. This will make it more suitable and gentle for your skin.

For example, you can mix
lavender oil and argan oil together. Other oils include tea tree oil, olive oil, coconut oil, and more.

Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and gently apply it to your face. Leave it to absorb and act on the skin for half an hour, then rinse it with lukewarm water.

Final Thoughts

There are so many benefits of argan oil. This miracle oil rapidly gained popularity in the beauty industry because of its impressive composition of Vitamin E, oleic, and linoleic acid.

People in Morocco have used this oil for ages, for both edible and cosmetic purposes, but now the West is starting to catch up with that tradition - and it's not hard to see why.

The skin and hair benefits of argan oil are endless - it moisturizes the skin, can thicken hair, has anti-aging properties, can treat acne breakouts and scars, and anecdotally, it can even reduce stretch marks and protect the skin from sun damage. For some of the benefits, there are even extensive studies that back up the claims.

Argan oil is gentle, non-comedogenic, and suitable for all skin types.

Do your research and find a good quality product to incorporate into your daily skin care routine.


Clinical and instrumental study of the efficacy of a new sebum control cream

The effect of dietary and/or cosmetic argan oil on postmenopausal skin elasticity

The Effects of Argan Oil

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