How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast

How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast

Giving you facts about how almost everyone will have acne at some point in their lives is hardly helpful, right? Reminding you of the consequences of acne, like scars, severe scars the ensuing loss of self-esteem will hardly get you through the day. Especially if you’re experiencing yet another annoying bout of acne just a day before that important job interview. Or, that long-awaited date.

So let’s focus on what will get you through the day, shall we? This is how to get rid of acne fast.

How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast

There are many ways to do this, but we’ve tried to offer you some of the best, most effective, but also fastest ways to deal with acne gone rogue. However, if you are looking for ways to get rid of acne forever, which requires much slower, and more difficult treatments, check out our article on How to Get Rid of Acne for Good. But if you need a quick solution, read on.

The following solutions are mostly home remedies, but that’s exactly what you need when you need to act fast. You’ll have everything you need at hand because this is first aid for acne - and improvisation is key.

how to get rid of acne fast

DIY Aspirin Mask

It may sound weird but stay with me. Aspirin has powerful anti-inflammatory properties so it can be a fast (and cheap!) way to help reduce a sudden acne outburst. You probably have some Aspirin tablets lying around your home so here’s what to do.

Crush 1 Aspirin tablet to 3 parts of water until it becomes a paste. Then take a cotton ball, or a Q-tip, and apply some of the paste over the affected area. You won’t have to wash your face necessarily since the Aspirin paste will dry and flake out in about half an hour on its own. Just to be on the safe side though, you can wipe your face with a wet cloth and leave the Aspirin to work its magic.

Try Some Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is the closest thing nature created to a miracle cure for acne. It reduces inflammation, removes excess oil from the skin and it also cools your skin so it will feel refreshed. You can buy Aloe Vera gels from almost any drugstore or skin care store, but you can also make your own at home. Just take a leaf, cut it along its length and try to isolate the “flesh” from the leaf’s skin. Then put the aloe vera flesh in a blender and blend it until it turns into a gel. Apply some of the homemade aloe vera gel over the acne and you should see results soon.

how to get rid of acne fast

Use Toothpaste To Get Rid Of Acne

If you’re stuck with a huge pimple but you’re also very tight on time, don’t panic. Chances are you have some toothpaste around, which you can use as first aid for acne. Toothpaste usually contains baking soda and silica, two ingredients that dry the skin and absorb excess oil. Needless to say, this solution is especially beneficial for people with oily skin. Just take some toothpaste and apply it - precisely - over the pimple. Leave it overnight and wash in the morning. Be careful not to leave toothpaste over healthy skin since it can become irritated.

Make Yourself A Honey Mask

The medicinal properties of honey have been recorded throughout human history. Besides being delicious and healthy, honey has antimicrobial properties and its stickiness pulls out the excess dirt from your skin. To use honey to get rid of acne fast, however, you’ll need to prepare a simple mask. Just add a teaspoon to two tablespoons of honey, mix it well, and apply it over the affected area. Leave it on your face as long as possible and wash it off when necessary.

how to get rid of acne fast

Use Garlic As A Topical Treatment

Boasting high levels of antioxidants and packing an array of anti-bacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties, garlic is one of nature’s best inventions. Besides being a good addition to your food, it can also help with a sudden bout of acne. Just peel a clove of garlic, cut it in half and apply its juice to the pimples. You can do this a few times a day, or less if your skin is sensitive. After the treatment just wash your face with cold water.

Dab Some Tea Tree Oil

Another efficient way to get rid of acne fast is by applying some tea tree oil on the targeted pimples. Like garlic, if not better, tea tree oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties. This makes it one of the most effective topical treatments for acne.

However, applying it to your skin requires special care. Because tea tree oil is an intense compound, it needs to be diluted before applying. Roughly, the composition should be 1:9, so pour 1 drop of tea tree oil to 9 drops of water and apply the solution over the pimples. The diluted tea tree oil shouldn’t be giving you any trouble, but if it causes you any redness, itching or irritation, you should wash it off with cool water. how to get rid of acne fast

How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast? Just Slice Some Cucumber

Little do people know that most vegetables, and especially cucumbers possess strong anti-inflammatory properties, which is why they’re so commonly used in treating bags under the eyes. But the same effect can be used to combat acne. Just cut a cucumber in half, and peel it off. Slice it into little pieces and blend it. You can also add some aloe vera or lemon juice to it, then proceed to blend it into a paste. Apply the paste as a mask over the skin affected with acne, leave it for 15 minutes, then wash it off. Try not to eat the same cucumber paste you put on your face though…

DIY Mask From Egg Whites

Another fast way to get rid of acne, albeit a little less pleasant, is by using egg whites as an anti-acne mask. But why does this work? Well, because egg whites are sticky when they dry, making them effective in removing pimples and blackheads. Plus, eggs contain amino acids and vitamins, which helps the skin rejuvenate itself. So, how to do it? Easy. Just break 3 eggs, and separate the whites from the yolks. Mix the egg whites for a couple of minutes and apply the liquid over the affected area. Wait until it dries completely, then peel it off and repeat the process as many times as you want. Of course, don’t forget to wash your face afterward.

how to get rid of acne fast

Baking Soda, Duh

In addition to being an antiseptic (which is science speak for “it kills germs”), baking soda also removes excess skin oil and helps the skin restore its healthy balance. So how to use it for your acne? Well, take a teaspoon of baking soda and mix it with a teaspoon of water, until you get a paste. Then, let it sit on your skin for at least 30 minutes, when you should wash it off. It should reduce the inflammation an make your skin look less discolored.

Steam Session

Steaming your face can open up your pores, making them clean themselves and prevent them from getting clogged. Plus, need I remind you that hot water also cleans and moisturizes your skin? Just boil some water and pour it in a bowl. Add some essential oils or herbs if you want, for an added aroma. Then throw a towel over your head and lower your face as close to the hot water as possible without hurting yourself. Stay like that for at least 10-15 minutes, then dry your face with a towel.

how to get rid of acne fast

Draining Your Pimple With A Needle

So you have to show up on that important meeting but you woke up with a huge cystic pimple on your neck? Well, the best thing to do is run to the doctor, but if that’s not an option, you can either leave it alone - or try draining it yourself. It sounds scary, but with enough preparation, patience, and care, you can do it. Check out our article on How to Drain a Cyst With a Needle and make sure you follow it closely. Good luck!

Summing It Up

Any of the treatments listed here will help you get rid of acne fast or at least improve their condition noticeably. However, everyone’s skin is different, so keep your expectations low and your hopes up. Acne is rarely a condition that can be eliminated quickly. Some people struggle with acne for months or even years, so consider yourself super lucky if some of the solutions suggested here have the effects that you intended. That feels great, doesn’t it? Now wash those eggs off your face and good luck on that date!


This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances, and its goal is to offer a general view of the subject. In case you are suffering from a severe case of acne, you should consult with a dermatologist or a certified medical professional.

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