Home Remedies Face Care: Get Clear Skin

Home Remedies Face Care: Get Clear Skin

Everyone wants glowing skin in less than ten days, and the most impatient among us are looking for a clean face with overnight results. But, unfortunately, good skin takes time, effort, consistency, and patience - even with conventional skin care products like Misumi's Clear Skin Duo Kit.

If you're willing to work for it, you can find everything you need here. You won't need expensive products - or much time! You'll probably already have most of the products in your fridge. Choose the ones that work best for your skin type, and enjoy smoother, fresher skin.

Always conduct a patch test before trying any methods on our list, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Most Effective Homemade Remedies for Crystal Clear Skin

clean face

Refreshing Water Tonic

You will need one cucumber, one lemon, mint leaves, and two liters of water.

Slice the lemon and cucumber, and put them in a bowl filled with two liters of water. Add the mint leaves, and then leave the mix in the fridge. You can drink this throughout the whole day. This water tonic's ingredients have healing properties that help our skin rejuvenate itself. The best part is this drink is super tasty and safe for everyday consumption to achieve healthy and glowing skin.

Papaya-Based Face Mask

papaya mask

You will need ¼ cup of cocoa, ¼ cup of ripe papaya, ¼ cup of honey, and 2 tbsp of grind oatmeals.

Blend the mix (add water if too sticky), and apply to the skin. Leave the mask to work for about 10 minutes, then wash your face with warm water.

Papaya is commonly used in skin care products. It removes old skin cells and reduces wrinkles and discoloration.

Turmeric-Based Masks


Turmeric + Water

This is a simple one. Just add 2 tbsp of turmeric and ¼ cup of water to get a thick paste. Apply on your face and let it act for 10 minutes. After that, wash off with cool water. You can also use this paste every day - add it to your skincare routine!

According to various studies, turmeric enhances collagen production, too! This is due to the the curcumin found in turmeric.

Turmeric + Pineapple Juice

Make a thick paste from 2 tbsp of turmeric and ¼ cup of pineapple juice. Apply on your face and keep for 15 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water. This home remedy is amazing for dark circles.

Turmeric + Sugarcane Juice

Again, just mix 2 tbsp of turmeric and ¼ cup of sugarcane juice. Repeat the procedure as with the previous mix - wait for 15 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water.

Turmeric works wonders for the skin - and here is why and how.

Castor Oil

castor oil

Castor oil has been used as a healing agent since the days of Ancient Egypt, about 6000 years ago. It has many benefits for the body's overall well-being as well as specifically for the skin. Ricinoleic acid has antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties. It can kill any bacteria and other organisms that cause redness and swelling.

You can apply it directly to the skin with a cotton pad or mix in other ingredients to make face masks. Read in detail about all the benefits of castor oil, as well as more homemade masks.

Castor Oil + Baking Soda

For this mask, you will need one tbsp of castor oil with half a tbsp of baking soda. After making a paste, apply it to the face. Leave it on for 10 minutes, and then wash it off with cool water.



Potatoes can greatly improve skin health. The enzymes found in potatoes have bleaching properties, which help lighten the skin and heal discoloration, aged skin, or sunspots. They can also be beneficial for oily skin.

You can use them in combination with other ingredients or just apply them directly on the face. Peel off the potato, cut it in half and gently rub it onto the skin in circular motions. Massage the face with the potato for five minutes, then wash it off with cold water.

Chamomile Tea

chamomile tea

Make some chamomile tea - place a few tea bags in boiling water (around 250ml of water for one tea bag) and let it soak for ten minutes. After that, take off the tea bags and put the tea in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, you can use the drink.

Take a cotton ball and apply it to the face to achieve glowing skin. Always use on a clean face. You don't need to wash off afterward.

Best Homemade Remedies for Acne Prone Skin

Tomato Pulp + Cucumber Water

tomato pulp

Tomatoes are an excellent toner. They help unclog the pores and prevent the development of acne and pimples. Take ¼ cup of cucumber water and mix it with half a cup of tomato pulp. Apply on the face and leave it to act for 15 minutes. After that, wash it off with lukewarm water.

Baking Soda Mask

baking soda

Baking soda has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe swelling, redness, rashes, and sunburn.

To make the mask, you will need 2 tbsp of baking soda, 2 tbsp of water, and 1 tbsp of lemon juice. Mix the ingredients in a small bowl to get a smooth paste. First, clean your face with water, then apply the paste. Let it sit for 15 minutes before washing it off with room-temperature water.

After this, you can use a non-comedogenic moisturizer.



Rub fresh garlic or garlic juice directly on the affected area. Leave it on the skin for 15 minutes and then wash it off with room temperature water.

Garlic is highly recommended because of the antimicrobial properties of allicin, its active ingredient. It's believed that it can reduce redness and fight off those annoying pimples. Just a word of caution: allicin is really powerful, so if you have sensitive skin, be careful, as it's been known to cause irritation.



There are many ways in which you can use lemons to improve skin health. First, you can drink freshly squeezed lemon with a glass of water every day in the morning. It's an amazing way to wake up the body and remove toxins.

Second, you can combine lemon juice with various other ingredients and make facial masks for all skin types. Yet another way to use the lemon is by cutting it in half and applying it directly to your face.

Take one lemon, cut it in half and rub it directly on the skin in circular motions. Massage the face with the lemon for up to five minutes before washing it off with cold water. Lemons are rich in
vitamin C and are a great skin-lightening ingredient. It also removes age spots and can lighten blemishes, giving the skin a fresh look.

Green Tea For Clear Skin

green tea

You will need ½ tbsp of honey, one tbsp of lemon juice, boiled water, and one bag of green tea.

Steep the green tea bag in the boiled water for about ten minutes. After that, remove the tea bag and add the honey and lemon juice. (You can add more honey or lemon to better suit your taste). You should drink the tea while it's still warm.

If you don't normally drink green tea, you can start off with one cup a day. Tea lovers can drink up to three cups a day. Green tea is full of antioxidants and has many skin benefits, including reducing acne breakouts.

Aspirin Face Mask


You will need 3-4 aspirin pills, one tbsp of honey, and water or jojoba oil.

First, mix the honey and jojoba oil in a bowl. Then, add hot water until you get a more smooth consistency. Finally, add the aspirin pills in powdered form. When the solution has cooled down, apply it to affected areas with clean fingers. Leave it on for ten minutes and then wash it off with room temperature water.

Proven Homemade Remedies For Oily Skin

Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar

The acidic properties in apple cider vinegar exfoliate dead skin, revealing a healthy layer of skin cells.

To apply on the face, first, dilute with water. Mix one tbsp of apple cider vinegar with one tbsp of water. You can control the intensity of this tonic by adding less or more water, depending on your skin's sensitivity.

Take a cotton pad and apply the tonic to your face. Leave it to act overnight before washing it off the next morning. Because it's recommended for apple cider vinegar to stay on your face for a couple of hours, it's best done before bed. You can repeat this procedure every night.

Lemon + Egg White

egg white

You will need one raw egg white and one tbsp of honey. Separate the white from the yolk in a small bowl. Add one tbsp of honey, and mix until you get a sticky paste. You can apply this to affected areas and leave it to do its magic for 30 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

Totomato Rub

Take one tomato, cut it in half and rub it on the face for five to ten minutes. After that, wash off with room-temperature water.

Tomatoes are an excellent astringent. They are really important ingredients in many beauty products. The antioxidants in tomatoes, especially lycopene, fight cellular damage and skin inflammation.

Clay Mask

clay mask

Take one tbsp of bentonite clay and one tbsp of plain yogurt. Mix the bentonite clay and yogurt together. Apply on the face and wait for it to dry off. To remove the mask, wash it off with warm water. This remedy is sure to make your skin glow.

Orange Peel

orange peel

Did you know that while the orange flesh contains about 71 milligrams, the peel contains over 136 milligrams of vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a powerful tool when it comes to fighting inflammation. Orange peels have flavonoids that are known to permeate membranes and heal inflammation. They treat blemishes, blackheads, dead cells, and acne.

You can apply the orange peel directly to the skin. Just add a few drops of jojoba oil and rub it on the skin in a circular motion. Do this for five to ten minutes. After that, wash your face with cold water.

Almonds + Rose Water

rose water

Take ten almonds and let them soak in water overnight. The next morning, blend them into a smooth paste. Add one to two tbsp of rose water and apply it on the face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then wash it off with cold water.

Rose water is an excellent home remedy for clear and glowing skin that will balance your skin's natural pH values.

Authentic Homemade Remedies For Dry Skin

Coconut Oil

coconut oil

Coconut oil is an excellent natural moisturizer for dry skin. It's believed to help reduce inflammation, heal wounds and help with skin hydration. Additionally, it's also used as an ingredient in many products for acne-prone skin since it possesses antimicrobial properties that fight off harmful bacteria.

It's a hassle-free method - you can use it directly on the skin.

Just buy some extra virgin coconut oil and apply a few drops on the face with a cotton pad. Massage the area for a couple of minutes to allow the skin to absorb the oil. Afterward, you can wipe away any excess oil with a new cotton pad—no need to rinse it off.

You can repeat this procedure twice a day for best results - once in the morning and once before bed. We wouldn't recommend using this for oily skin, though, as it could cause acne breakouts. Only use it if you have dry skin.

Olive Oil + Banana + Sugar Scrub

banana mask

Easy to make at home and a cheap alternative to fancy moisturizers, this scrub will help your skin recover lost moisture and repair the damage caused by dryness. Using it regularly can also brighten your skin and bring back the natural glow.

Just mash half a banana (for some masks, banana peels can be even more effective), then add one tbsp of sugar and one teaspoon of olive oil. Mix until you get a paste.

Apply a generous amount of the paste on your face (with clean fingers!) and gently rub in a circular motion for a few minutes. Be careful not to rub too roughly because the sugar can irritate the skin. Wash it off with cool water and pat dry with a clean towel.

Tea Tree Oil Mask

tea tree oil

For this mask, you will need half an avocado and 3-4 drops of tea tree oil. In a little bowl, mash half an avocado and add a few drops of oil. Mix them together thoroughly until you get a consistent paste.

Apply and allow the mixture to rest on your face for 15 minutes. After that, wash it off with cool water and pat dry with a clean towel.

The avocado is rich in essential fatty acids, Vitamin E, and biotin, all of which help heal dry skin by keeping it moisturized and hydrated. With both medicinal and cosmetic uses, tea tree oil is famous for its antibacterial properties. This essential oil has been used to treat skin diseases and conditions for years. If you have an adult skin barrier that's drying out, try this method for clear skin.

Together this mix is perfect for dry skin.

Jojoba Oil + Clay Mask

jojoba oil

Jojoba oil can help your skin in a ton of different ways, but we chose this mask because of a study conducted in 2012 that found that applying the mask every day for six weeks could noticeably improve skin tone and bring back skin moisture, creating glowing skin.

Mix one tbsp of the clay facial mask with one tbsp of jojoba oil. Apply the mixture to your face and wait for it to dry off. After that, wash off with cool water. You can repeat the application every 3-4 days.

Jojoba oil is a carrier oil similar to the skin's natural oils. This means, unlike with essential oils, you don't have to dilute it. It's a powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient that can help fight skin infections and wrinkles and aid wound healing.

Avocado Mask

avocado mask

Another way to naturally soothe dry skin is with an avocado mask made from one-half avocado, one tbsp olive oil, and one tbsp honey. Mash and mix the ingredients until you get a paste. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for 20 minutes. Your skin will feel moisturized and soft.

Sunflower Seed Oil

sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is commonly used in products for infants since it's really gentle and safe to use, even on sensitive skin. You can apply it directly to your face with a cotton pad. Dub the cotton pad in the oil and rub it on your face in circular motions. The routine will help your skin retain its moisture. The oil is high in vitamin E, A, C, and D, which will additionally nourish your skin.    

Revolutionary Homemade Remedies For Combined Skin

Aloe-Vera Gel + Papaya Pulp Mask

aloe vera

Mix 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel with 1 tbsp of papaya pulp. Once you get a smooth blend, apply it to a clean and dry face. Wait 30 minutes for the mask to act on the skin, then wash off with normal water. Aloe vera gel is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties, while papaya dissolves dead skin cells and makes the skin lighter and softer.

Rose Water + Honey Mask

honey mask

To make this remedy, mix together honey and rose water - 1 tbsp each. Apply evenly on the face, but make sure you cover the T-zone completely. Let it act for about 20 minutes, and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Honey is a natural exfoliant and will get rid of dead skin cells, while rose water helps control the oil on the skin, giving it a fresh and glowing look.

Cucumber + Honey + Milk Mask


Peel off half a cucumber and then blend it to get a paste. Add 1 tbsp of honey and 1 tbsp of milk. Apply this on your face and wait for it to dry off for at least 20 minutes. You can put two slices of cucumber on your eyes for even deeper relaxation. Wash it off with cool water.

Papaya + Banana Mask

papaya and banana

Mash one banana with half a papaya together. You could even add one tbsp of honey. Mix well until you get a paste. Apply a thick layer on the face and wait to dry off. After you're done with it, wash it off with cool water.

Almonds + Oats Mask

almond mask

You will need around 20-30 gr of almonds and 1 tbsp of oats. Place the almonds in water and leave them to soak overnight. Next morning, blend the almonds with a little water from the bowl where they were soaking until you get a paste. In the paste, add 1 tbsp of oats and mix again. Apply the paste on your face and keep it for 20 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water.

Oats and almonds are the perfect mixture for combined skin because the oats take away excess oil on the face, but the almonds bring back moisture to soften the skin.

The No #1 Remedy For Glowing Skin

If you're looking for the best remedies for glowing skin but making your own seems too much effort, try Misumi's Complete Clear 3-Step System. With a mild cleanser, toner, and moisturizer, these products will help you achieve healthy skin in no time, improving the appearance of acne and acne scars. They calm irritated skin, reduce redness to even out skin tone, and kill acne-causing bacteria on the skin barrier. They also have a sun protection factor that will protect against skin aging and skin cancer.

Try it now!


How can I treat my face naturally?

From olive oil to coconut oil and tea tree oil, there are many natural remedies you can use to improve the appearance of lifeless and dull skin and keep the skin supple, regardless of skin type.

Here are just some home remedies you can apply to your face:

  • Turmeric + Pineapple Juice Mask

  • Avocado Mask

  • Aloe-Vera Gel + Papaya Pulp Mask

  • Tomato Pulp + Cucumber Water

  • Chamomile Tea

How can I glow in 7 days?

If you're looking to achieve a healthy glow in 7 days, there are many natural remedies you can try. Try a method you can implement into your skin care routine every single day, such as:

  • Turmeric + Water Mask

  • Jojoba Oil + Clay Mask

  • Aloe-Vera Gel + Papaya Pulp Mask

  • Lemon

These natural ingredients will even out your skin tone and help you achieve the healthy skin you've always been after. Keep in mind that a sensitive skin type should avoid lemon, as it may be too harsh.

What can clear my face fast?

If you want to clear your face fast, there are lots of things you can use to achieve a healthy glow. Try Misumi's Clear Skin Duo Kit. This is the best skincare routine for you to keep your acne-prone skin healthy.


There are so many home remedies for glowing skin out there. We've included a big long list above of all-natural ingredients you can find in your kitchen cupboard. From healing irritated skin to improving skin elasticity, the methods above will leave you with a glowing complexion. Much cheaper than over-the-counter products, most of them are gentle enough to be added to your everyday skin care routine.

Whether you have dry skin, combination skin, or normal skin, you can find the perfect method for you, no matter your skin type.

On top of using these home remedies, try exercising to improve blood circulation and advocate for a better diet. All these can help you get healthy skin.


Clay jojoba oil facial mask for lesioned skin and mild acne

Turmeric for Skin: Benefits and Risks

Is coconut oil good for your skin?

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