How Long Does Zinc Take To Clear Acne?

How Long Does Zinc Take To Clear Acne?

Acne's, superficial nature and mundane appearance shouldn't fool you because, as far as conditions go, it's one of the more insidious and unexpected phenomena - at least in terms of mental health. There are many skin products you can use to battle it (such as Misumi's Complete Clear 3-Step System), but suffers usually need to try a multitude of different things to manage the condition.

Before we talk about using zinc for acne, let's remind ourselves why combatting acne is so important.

acne and depression

The condition itself is a chimera, always appearing in a slightly different form depending on the person's health, lifestyle, and genetics. Like a many-headed dragon, acne inflammation comes in a dozen varieties, ranging from an unsuspecting pink rash to large, painful, and disfiguring cysts - otherwise known as severe acne. As you can probably already guess, visits to the bathrooms and close encounters with the mirror become intensely problematic.

People tormented by persistent acne start doubting their minds. There's a new conversation that wasn't there before - am I ugly? Am I still attractive enough? Am I worthy?

zinc acne

These doubts are corrosive and viral. If a person can't regulate their mental health and control negative thoughts, a cycle of negative inner talk quickly develops. If left unchallenged, these negative spirals lead to anxiety, depression, and in extreme cases, even suicide.

zinc acne

For this reason, people who suffer from acne will try almost anything to get rid of it. But it's difficult to treat acne, and people may actively abuse the desperation of those looking for cures and medicines. It can be difficult to know what tips are effective, as opposed to what's just a marketing scam. There is a need for clarity and distinction between what works and what doesn't.

We're here to cut through the smoke and mirrors and offer you real, effective solutions. In short, we'll give you the truth and save you precious time and money.

So what's on today's menu? Well, one of the popular health supplements - zinc. But can zinc really help you with acne? And, if so - how? More importantly, how long will it take until you see results?

Read on to find out.

zinc acne metal

What is Zinc?

If you missed elementary school, don't worry - zinc is an essential mineral and is also often referred to as an "essential trace element," and for a good reason. 'Essential' here means that zinc is absolutely necessary for maintaining human health. Without zinc, several diseases and conditions may suddenly appear. No zinc while growing up, and you won't grow at all. Those who suffer from severe zinc deficiency might start noticing tiredness, hair loss, and a reduced sense of smell and taste.

What makes matters worse is that our bodies don't keep any extra zinc around - they kick it out, making constant replenishment necessary.

But why is it also called a trace element? Well, because humans, thankfully, need very small amounts of this precious mineral to be healthy. But take heart because zinc is also pretty widespread and readily available. It's most commonly found in red meats, such as pork and beef, but it's also found in fish, poultry, milk, dairy, and eggs. Legumes, beans, nuts, and seeds contain zinc and a small number of vegetables. This means that, as long as you're following a diverse and rich diet, you'll be getting plenty of zinc.

Not only there - there are a variety of ways you can make sure you're getting more zinc, from topical zinc treatments to zinc supplement tablets and more.

Read on to find the best ways of increasing zinc for acne.

zinc acne

What Does Zinc Do?

Zinc is something of a repairman of the human body. Wherever it's found, it provides crucial support to the immune system, makes the central nervous system work properly, upholds the tiny structures of our skeletal system, cleans our digestive system, and keeps our reproductive system healthy.

Regarding skin and acne inflammations, zinc works as an anti-inflammatory ingredient. It suppresses the immune reaction to acne-causing bacteria and, in doing so, actually lessens inflammation, swelling, and redness. Using zinc for acne can also help to reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Many research studies have shown that patients who were treated with zinc noticed a decrease in active breakouts compared to those who didn't. Since zinc also helps with wound healing, it can help reduce residual acne scars.

From zinc creams to oral supplementation, multiple acne-fighting products can help with acne and blemish-prone skin.

zinc acne

Zinc and Acne

Since the 1970s, scientists have been trying to determine the role of zinc in acne patients. After many studies, the findings filtered in, and the results became clear - there definitely seemed to be a connection between low levels of zinc and acne.

As time progressed and more research was done, two things became clear. One, that low zinc levels did not cause acne breakouts, although another study confirmed that there was a slightly increased likelihood. And two, that levels of zinc affected the severity of the acne inflammation.

In other words, if you have a zinc deficiency, there's a small chance it may play a role in acne, but if you already have acne, not taking enough zinc will definitively make your acne inflammation much worse.

Conclusion? When it comes to acne, it's always best to have your zinc tank full. Luckily, there are a few ways where you can start taking zinc supplements.

acne supplements

Two Types of Zinc

Due to the nature of acne inflammation, zinc therapy works in a very specific way when it comes to acne. While you can increase dietary zinc and take zinc supplements, modern science offers topical zinc solutions as well to treat mild, moderate, severe, and cystic acne.

zinc topical acne

Topical Zinc Formulas

Topical here means "local," meaning that these zinc sulfate solutions are applied directly to the sensitive skin over the affected area.

However, scientists aren't impressed by the effectiveness of these topical treatments for acne. They appear to be similarly effective to topical antibiotics solutions, which isn't much.

While topical products and inflammatory acne medications do reduce inflammation to a certain degree, the results are, most often, not dramatic. For this reason, dermatologists recommend that a topical zinc treatment is best used in combination with other acne treatments.

elemental zinc supplement acne

Oral Zinc Supplements

Oral zinc supplements commonly come in the form of gluconic zinc which is the zinc salt of gluconic acid. Zinc gluconate is the most popular form of oral delivery as a dietary supplement to treat moderate acne vulgaris. The designation' zincum gluconicum' is often found in some products described as homeopathic.

There are several other formulas of oral zinc supplementation, and all of these are easy to find in over-the-counter drugstores. There is a difference in the absorption rate, however, and some formulas are not as effective as others. This is why the most popular formula is the aforementioned zinc gluconate, which typically comes in 30mg tablets. Other common zinc supplement formulas include:

  • Zinc ascorbate
  • Zinc acetate
  • Zinc citrate
  • Zinc octoate
  • Zinc picolinate
  • Methionine-bound zinc5

Most people find temporary supplementation beneficial to fighting acne.

The best oral acne treatment depends on what else you're taking. Remember what we said about the ineffectiveness of topical antibiotics and zinc formulas above? Well, according to an informative article in Dermatology Research and Practice, taking oral supplements in the form of zinc acetate or zinc octoate while using topical zinc antibiotics may increase the antibiotics' anti-inflammatory effects. So, if you want to boost your topical antibiotics, go with those two.

Otherwise, stick to zinc gluconate as your main zinc supplementation, which is the safest formula. But keep it moderate, since too much dietary zinc can become toxic. Signs of too much zinc include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and headaches.

However, if taken in moderation, there are only temporary and minor side effects, and it also doesn't increase sensitivity to the sun.

zinc dosing acne

Zinc and Other Uses

Zinc isn't just used as a way to fight acne. Zinc oxide is usually found in a lot of sunscreens. This is because zinc oxide blocks UVA and UVB rays, which harm your skin if you're not protected from them.

Not to mention - zinc is suitable for sensitive skin, too! So if you suffer from moderate to severe acne or other inflammatory skin conditions, rest assured that a zinc sunscreen will be fine to use on your face.

Dosing and Elemental Zinc

The RDA ('Recommended Dietary Allowance') of zinc in adults (meaning 19 years of age and above) is 11mg per day.

However, there's a catch. When we talk about taking zinc as a supplement, only a portion of that supplement is actually zinc - and this portion varies. This clean percentage of zinc is what scientists, doctors, and dermatologists refer to as 'elemental zinc.'

For example, zinc gluconate, the most popular formula of zinc supplementation, contains only 14% of elemental zinc. So, you're only getting 4.2mg of elemental zinc in a single 30mg tablet of zinc gluconate. (Remember, the recommended daily dose is 11mg.)

zinc acne

Zinc acetate contains 30% of elemental zinc, which roughly translates to 9mg of elemental zinc in a 30mg zinc acetate tablet.

However, as we mentioned above, zinc's effects on acne are not dramatic. Zinc may reduce inflammation, but it also aids the effectiveness of home remedies or other treatments, most notably antibiotics. For this reason, doctors recommend taking zinc not as your main 'weapon' against acne but as a supplement to more powerful treatments.

If this disappoints you, though, it shouldn't - because there's another catch. We take zinc every day through our food and diet, most of which is fairly rich in zinc. So, it's not necessary to take the entire recommended dietary allowance for zinc through supplements. One 30mg tablet of zinc gluconate per day is about right, provided that you also eat.

how long zinc acne

How Long Until I See The Effects From Zinc?

Impatience is a very common trait of people suffering from acne. And we totally understand - a lot of us have been there ourselves. But as with any supplement, mineral or vitamin or otherwise, the results take time - that's whether you suffer from mild acne, moderate acne, or severe acne. This has to do with the way our bodies work and the speed of each person's individual metabolism.

Any acne treatment or supplement you take may take a while to make a difference. Usually, you won't see results until at least two weeks have passed. That's why doctors often peg these periods anywhere around two to four weeks. It's because that's the bare minimum until these ingredients actually achieve critical mass and start affecting our bodies.

Minerals, which zinc is, are exceptionally slow, however. Give it at least three months (or, around 90 days or 16 weeks) until any long-term deficiencies are ironed out. It's only then that you'll begin to see its effects. The reason why it's so slow is that it takes time until your body stores all of that material in its proper place and begins to move it. As the saying goes, patience is a virtue.

acne zinc happy

To Recap

It has to be said - although zinc is used for treating acne, it does not cure it. Anyone who is telling you that is either uninformed or trying to scam you. However, zinc can be beneficial in reducing the inflammation of acne and making you feel better overall.

As an essential trace element, you don't just use zinc for acne. Zinc is very important in ensuring our immune system remains strong, our brains fresh, our fertility potent, and our skin healthy. When it comes to acne, zinc can help, and oral supplements in the form of zinc gluconate, zinc acetate, and zinc octoate can even boost the effectiveness of antibiotics.

This is especially important for people suffering from severe cases of cystic acne and severe acne nodules, but overall, zinc alleviates all types of acne inflammation. Finally, make sure that you eat healthy, rich food and eat plenty. Zinc is commonly found in red meats, legumes, nuts, and some vegetables - so your recommended, natural, daily dose of zinc is always within reach. Carpe diem and use that zinc - it's there for the taking.

Everyone's skin is different, and zinc isn't the only way to combat acne. Other acne-fighting treatments include benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid (or beta hydroxy acid), hormonal therapies, isotretinoin, and more.

Get Relief From Acne with Misumi

As mentioned above, acne can have a serious negative impact on your confidence and life. Misumi's clear skin kits can help reduce acne and clear your skin - without you having to spend hundreds of dollars on an extensive skin care routine.

The Clear Skin Duo Kit will unclog pores and remove impurities, clear acne-causing bacteria, regenerate skin cells, help reduce redness and inflammation, and control oil production. Don't worry - we understand how painful acne can be. That's why the Clear Skin Duo Kit is gentle to soothe your skin.

Order the Clear Skin Duo Kit and begin your clear skin journey today.


The role of zinc in the treatment of acne: A review of the literature

Correlation between the Severity and Type of Acne Lesions with Serum Zinc Levels in Patients with Acne Vulgaris

This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances, and its goal is to offer a general view of the subject. In case you are suffering from a severe case of acne, you should consult with a dermatologist or a certified medical professional.

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