How to Prevent Skin Aging

How to Prevent Skin Aging

Aging is a natural process which affects all of us, no matter how on point our skincare routine is. We will have to witness the appearance of lines on our face at some point, see our skin losing elasticity and our skin tone changing.

But our hands aren’t quite tied as it may appear. Despite the fact that aging is something we can’t directly stop, there are certain things we can do and change in regards to our diet and lifestyle habits which will ensure that this process is put on hold, at least for the time being.

What many people aren’t aware of is all the factors which contribute to aging in the first place. Factors like sleeping, sun protection, a healthy diet full of antioxidants and a proper skincare routine play a huge role in how our skin looks as the years pass, but more on these individual factors later.

By making subtle changes in your daily routine, you can prevent your skin from aging prematurely. And it’s not as tedious of a process as it looks. These changes are quite easy to make and they take very little time to implement.

If you want to know how to prevent skin aging, as well as reduce the signs of premature aging, just continue reading.

How Aging Occurs

Have you ever wondered what’s under our skin? There’s actually a combination of collagen and elastin, proteins which keep our skin elastic and firm. This is what enables us to stretch our skin and bring it back into place.

However, as we grow older, the amount of these proteins which are found under the skin lowers and weakens, resulting in saggy and loose skin.

But, are collagen and elastin the only ones to blame for premature aging skin? Truth is, aging is a much more complicated process than that. Not only does the amount of protein change, but our skin becomes thinner as well. This goes hand-in-hand with the loss of fat in the face that’s inevitable as we age, hence the term “baby fat” alluding to the excess skin on our face which disappears as we grow older.

Perhaps the most important factor when it comes to aging and skin is genetics. Genetics play the biggest role in determining how our skin will look when we’re older. The reality is that those older people whose skin you admire are probably just blessed with good genes. And although you can’t change your genetic code, you increase the chances of having smooth and firm skin in the long run by implementing the tips below.

The next noticeable change that happens is the change in texture. Our skin becomes rougher and it’s often accompanied by hyperpigmentation and dark spots, especially if we haven’t been careful with sun protection throughout our lives.

You can’t influence any of these processes, unfortunately. Aging is natural and it happens to everyone. But don’t despair! What you can do is make a few adjustments in your day-to-day life that will result in big improvements in the future.

How to Prevent Skin Aging in Your 20s

It’s easy to neglect your skin in your twenties. But if you don’t pay attention to your skin’s needs on time, it will take its toll in your late 20s and early 30s. Here are some things you can do in your 20s that will ensure you’re taking care of your skin before it suffers any damage. Firstly, you’ll want to use sunscreen on a daily basis. Sun damage can make your skin look older than it is, so getting into the habit of protecting your skin from the sun is crucial if you want to avoid any sunspots or premature wrinkles.

If you’re an avid makeup user, make sure you take off all your makeup at night before you go to bed and follow up with a proper moisturizer. Sleeping with your makeup can lead to breakouts and congestion.

Paying attention to your diet is also key in terms of maximizing your skin’s potential. Drink plenty of water and get enough antioxidants by adding more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

How to Prevent Skin Aging in Your 30s

For most people, their skin starts to look a bit worn out once they enter their thirties. How you age is largely determined by your genes, but here are some steps you can take in order to help your skin as much as you can.

The sunscreen rule applies to every decade in your life, so make sure you’re using sun protection regularly. In addition, pay closer attention to your skincare and try to include more pamper nights in your week. That being said, don’t go too harsh on your skin and try to use gentle products. If you’re on the market for a good anti-aging product, including a retinol product will definitely be useful. Since your collagen stores are probably running low, you might want to look into supplementing with a plant-derived collagen supplement. If you do have some sun damage or hyperpigmentation, you can always try harsher treatments that will work faster on your skin.

How to Prevent Skin Aging in Your 40s

As you get older, your skin tends to become drier. Dry skin really brings out any fine lines and wrinkles, so the first and probably most important step in terms of skincare is to hydrate with a good moisturizer. Drinking plenty of water will also help you hydrate your skin inside out. Caffeine and sugary drinks can dehydrate your skin, so try to increase your water consumption if you’re a fan of these. Including regular exfoliation in your routine is an important habit since regular exfoliation makes it easier for the products to be absorbed and it gives your skin better texture.

You could also invest in a quality serum, preferably one that contains a lot of antioxidants and vitamin C. Serums can make your skin softer and dewy-looking.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is of great importance when you’re in your forties. Pay attention to the food you’re eating, how many hours a day you’re sleeping and your stress levels.

Ways You Can Reduce Skin Aging

Here are all the ways you can take action in order to enable skin aging prevention and keep your skin healthy and youthful in the long run.

Apply Sun Protection

Applying sunscreen can be a bit of a boring task, not to mention many of us forget to do it on a regular basis. But if you take a look at all the things you risk by not applying sunscreen whenever you leave the house, it’s almost certain that you will get the motivation to make applying sunscreen a habit. By not protecting your skin from the sun, you risk the following:

  • sunspots and hyperpigmentation
  • wrinkles and fine lines
  • broken blood vessels
  • increased risk of scarring
  • burns

Sun exposure speeds up the aging process and it increases the chances of you getting fine lines and wrinkles. One of the easiest ways to prevent this side-effect is by applying a non-comedogenic sunscreen with at least SPF 30 or higher whenever you go out in the sun. In addition, you can also protect your face by wearing a cap and protect the skin on your body by covering it up with clothes. However, if you live in a hot climate, this isn’t very practical and it might lead to excessive sweating, which can then lead to clogged pores. It’s far more practical and efficient to apply a sunscreen of your choice multiple times a day when you’re out and about.

Avoid Tanning Beds

The sun isn’t the only issue when it comes to the appearance of wrinkles. Tanning beds can cause just as much trouble as natural tanning. Tanning beds expose you to harmful UV rays which play a big part in speeding up the aging process. A good alternative is to buy a self-tanning lotion. By doing so, you not only avoid these nasty side-effects, but you also save money. You can use a self-tanning lotion multiple times before you run out of it, and tans from tanning beds only last for a short period of time.

Pay Attention to your Diet

We all know that a healthy, well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is crucial for a healthy body, but did you know that it can also affect the appearance of your skin? Science has demonstrated time and time again that whole plant foods full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants have the ability to prevent any damage to the skin, which minimizes the chances of premature aging. Trust that your body will appreciate the effort you put in your diet and will show it on your skin, so try to include as much of these as possible. But what should you eat? The best anti-aging food to include in your diet is papaya, red bell pepper, spinach, broccoli, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, pomegranate, nuts, avocado, sweet potatoes, and kale. When you’re planning your next meal, try to include at least two of these and you’ll soon see changes in your skin.

As far as vitamins and antioxidants are concerned, try adding more foods which contain vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A and biotin in your diet. They are crucial for a glowing complexion.

Now that we’ve talked about all the things you should include in your diet, let’s mention which food is hindering your progress towards healthy and glowing skin. Processed food full of sugar and unhealthy fats definitely contributes to dull-looking skin and wrinkles. Refined sugar also accelerates the aging process and is damaging to the body, so try your best to minimize your consumption of processed sugar. Instead, you can try satiating your sweet tooth by adding more fruits in your diet, like snacking on some blueberries and raspberries. You could also include small amounts of dark chocolate in your diet which contains less sugar than milk chocolate.

Include Regular Exercise

You’re probably already aware of the importance of regular exercise for both the mind and the body. Your skin too benefits from including exercise as a part of your daily routine, whether that’s cardio, weights, a sport or simply a brisk walk. Exercise improves circulation, meaning more blood flow to the face. In addition, exercise also boosts the immune system which helps your skin achieve that youthful look we all desire.

Minimize Smoking

If you’re a smoker, then you’re no stranger to all the health effects that smoking can result in. It’s no secret that smoking contributes to fine lines and wrinkles, especially around your mouth area and a gray, unhealthy complexion. The best thing you can do in order to prevent this is to quit smoking altogether. However, it’s certainly not an easy process, especially if you’ve been smoking for years. What you can do if quitting is not an option for you is to reduce the number of cigarettes you’re smoking, as well as implementing these tips. Changing your lifestyle will not erase all the health complications of smoking, but it will certainly increase the chances of a healthier complexion.

Moderate Your Alcohol Consumption

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to rapid skin aging. This is because alcohol acts as a dehydrator for the skin, and the less moisture you have in your skin the more prone you are to premature signs of aging. If you drink large amounts of alcohol for a prolonged period of time then it will surely manifest in the look of your skin.

Try sticking to slightly healthier alcohol options like red wine and moisturizing your skin regularly.

Choose a Proper Skincare Routine

Speaking of moisturizers, it’s absolutely crucial for you to determine your skin type as early as you can. That way, you’ll be able to choose the skincare products which you use more easily, which will give you healthy skin in the long run.

If you’re in your twenties or thirties, then picking out a moisturizer with anti-aging benefits might be a good idea. It’s both better and easier to prevent wrinkles than it is to treat them. Products such as serums and non-comedogenic oils can also be beneficial for the skin since they provide adequate moisture.

Retinol and Retin A are also an option if you want to put a hold on aging. You can add these to your regular skincare routine as early as your twenties. This will ensure that you’re preventing any premature signs of aging. It’s important to mention that retinol and Retin A are not appropriate if you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Because their use is peculiar and slightly more complicated than other conventional skincare products, make sure to consult a dermatologist before adding them in your skincare routine. You can always start small, simply by incorporating a topical cream which you use on alternate days.

Avoid using harsh chemicals and products on your skin which have an endless list of ingredients. Instead, try using gentle products with natural ingredients for some time and monitor how your skin will react to them.

Pick a cleanser appropriate for your skin type and wash your face two times a day. Excessive washing can lead to dry skin, which can then lead to wrinkles, so you definitely want to avoid that. Washing your skin is important because it removes all the impurities which have accumulated in your pores through the day, as well as any sweat or environmental pollutants.

Avoid Unnecessarily Touching your Face and Eye Area

We’re all guilty of touching our face from time to time, mostly with dirty hands. And it’s a tricky habit to get rid of since we mostly do it on a subconscious level.

Avoid any unnecessary touching and stretching of the skin under the eyes and your face in general. The skin under your eyes is very thin and sensitive, and if you were to rub it and touch it you risk breaking the blood vessels which are located under the skin. This can lead to dark circles, bags and dull-looking skin.

If you want, you could also include an under eye cream for this delicate area. There are some which are specifically designed for tackling wrinkles that contain many anti-aging benefits. There are other types whose main focus is hydration. If you don’t want to start using anti-aging products just yet, consider purchasing an under eye cream that only serves as a moisturizer. By doing so, you’ll be delaying any premature signs of wrinkles.

Get Enough Sleep

We’ve all heard the term beauty rest. It’s no secret that many body parts and functions can suffer as a result of fewer than 7 hours of sleep. The skin is no exception to this universal rule. While you’re sleeping, your cells repair themselves, meaning your skin has the chance to renew and rejuvenate itself.

Make sure you get seven to nine hours of sleep each night and pay attention to the quality of your sleep. Turn off your technology at least an hour before you go to bed so you have an easier time falling asleep.

Try More Abrasive Skin Treatments

The sad truth is – sometimes topical products can’t do the trick. You’re using everything your doctor has prescribed, your lifestyle is on point and you’re consistent with your skincare routine, yet you’re still not satisfied with the results you’re getting. This happens often and to almost everyone. We all lack a little patience sometimes when it comes to skin issues which have been bothering us for years and years. If you want to accelerate this process of treating wrinkles and fine lines, then this one is for you.

There are many slightly more abrasive skin treatments which you can schedule as a part of your youthful skin plan. These not only treat signs of aging, but they can also treat other skin problems like acne and hyperpigmentation. If you’re running out of patience, consider scheduling an appointment for microdermabrasion, chemical peels or lasers, assuming you can afford to get them on a regular basis. These will help shed off the outer layer of skin, leaving you with a refreshed look. Make sure you aren’t doing these at once though since they can often cross-react with each other.

Minor Habits Which Contribute to Aging

There are some sneaky things all of us do which can be detrimental for our skin. One of these is drinking through a straw. When we suck hard through a straw, the skin around our mouth area stretches needlessly. This can lead to the appearance of smile lines, so if you want to avoid that make sure you’re drinking directly from a glass or a bottle.

Another thing that contributes to aging is squinting while it’s sunny outside. This can seem like such a minor action, but it does actually cause under eye wrinkles. Keep your sunglasses with you at all times, and you won’t have a problem with this.

Do you pay attention to your pillowcase? This is why you should. The harsh texture on a pillowcase can lead to irritated skin, and all that rubbing through the night is not ideal for youthful skin. Switch your regular pillowcase to a satin or cotton one and your skin will feel the difference in no time.

Don’t Neglect Your Neck and Hands

We’ve talked about skincare regarding the face, but what about your neck and hands? It’s a common problem for people to neglect their neck and hands until it’s too late. After all, they’re one of the first places which show signs of aging. You should take your skincare just as seriously when it comes to these body parts. Apply a moisturizer regularly, preferably the same one that you use on your face since it provides extra hydration. When it comes to the hands, use hand cream daily, all year round, but pay special attention to them during the winter. Due to the cold weather and harsh climate, this is when the hands are more likely to become dry and rough, which is not only unappealing to the eye but it can also be pretty painful and uncomfortable.

Final Thoughts

We can’t change which genes we’re dealt with at birth, but we can change how we treat our bodies through our lives. Taking care of ourselves inside and out will keep us not only youthful on the outside, but on the inside as well.

By making some adjustments and lifestyle changes in terms of our daily habits, our exercise routine, sleeping pattern, diet and skincare we can see huge improvements in our skin.

Remember, preventing signs of aging is much easier than treating them, so it’s never too early to start implementing anti-aging products in your skincare routine. And you don’t have to do it all at once – adding only one product can make a noticeable change in our skin texture and appearance. Small steps lead to big results over time.

Hopefully, you’ve found some of these tips helpful. Will you implement any of them in the future?

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