Each and every one of us will reach that inevitable stage in life when all our experiences throughout the years will start to reflect on our skin. Aging is a natural process, after all, and it’s not unique to a certain group of people. What is unique is our skin types – and the time when these signs of aging start to appear on our skin will vary from person to person.
When it comes to skincare and lifestyle, there are a couple of things we can implement as daily habits in order to ensure that we are taking care of our skin to the best of our abilities and are delaying the process of aging as much as we can.
In this article, we are going to explore all the characteristics of mature skin, the lifestyle factors which contribute to premature signs of aging, how we can change our habits for the better in order to prevent this and the ideal skincare routine for those who have mature skin.
Mature Skin Characteristics
Firstly, we should establish the symptoms and signs of mature skin. If you identify your correct skin type, you will save yourself a lot of worry in the future. So, here are the most common symptoms of mature skin:
- dry and dehydrated skin
- change in skin tone
- hyperpigmentation and dark spots
- deep wrinkles
- lack of firmness and elasticity
As we age, our skin becomes dryer, so you will definitely start to notice a difference in terms of the amount of sebum which your skin produces. In addition, the metabolism of cells changes and becomes slower as we grow older, which reflects in the synthesis of collagen. That’s why the amount of collagen which our skin produces also takes a toll, which leads to a loss in firmness and the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

If you’re in your early twenties, you might be thinking that it’s too early to start worrying about implementing a skincare routine which will tackle these signs of aging. And although the typical age of those with mature skin is from their mid-thirties, it’s never too early to start picking up products which can help boost collagen production and keep a steady level of elastin in our skin. These products don’t necessarily have to be anti-aging, they simply need to have moisturizing properties and contain healthy and essential nutrients that will protect the skin.
Skincare Routine for Mature Skin
If you haven’t established a skincare routine yet, then take this as a sign to do so. A proper skincare routine is by far the best tool you have at your disposal for healthy and glowing skin in the long run. A good skincare routine doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming, it just needs to cater to your individual needs and contain good-quality skincare products. Here is an example of a routine which you can follow step by step using similar products.
Choose a non-irritating cleanser
Washing your face with a gentle cleanser should be the first step in your skincare routine. There are a couple of things you should remember when it comes to cleansers. Try to pick a cream cleanser since these are the most moisturizing ones. We already mentioned how the skin loses moisture and the natural oils decrease as we age, so using a foamy cleanser or a gel one will make your skin even drier. To prevent this, opt for ones which are specifically targeted for extra hydration.
A good cleanser will not only clean and moisturize the skin, but it will also remove any traces of makeup, dirt, and bacteria that are sitting on top of your skin. If you like to wear makeup on a regular basis, then removing all the traces of face makeup at the end of the day might feel like a chore, but it’s crucial if you want healthy skin.

Gently massage your face every morning and night with a cleanser of your choice and gently pat it dry with a towel. Cleansers are the foundation for a nourishing and replenishing skincare routine which helps with signs of aging and skin tone.
Moisturizing is a Must
You’re well aware by now how important choosing a hydrating moisturizer is for mature skin. The functions of good moisturizers need to be multifaceted: it should protect, hydrate and nourish the skin with vitamins and minerals at the same time. It’s pretty hard to achieve all of that in a single product, but some companies have managed that. There are many options out there which help with wrinkles and hydration simultaneously, such as our best-selling wrinkle-free moisturizer.
Use SPF on a Daily Basis
Sun damage is another thing you should be wary of. It can lead to sun spots and it can exasperate the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It’s safe to conclude that skin-wise, the sun is not your friend.

Pick at least an SPF 30 and apply it each morning before you get out of the house. Applying SPF should be the last step in your morning skincare routine. If you do apply makeup on a regular basis, then you can proceed to apply it right after you apply sun protection.
If you want to be more practical, you could even pick a foundation or a tinted moisturizer which already contains SPF. This is a great option for those of you who don’t have a lot of time to spare in the morning and like to be practical.
Serums Can Do Wonders for your Skin
Adding a serum in your skincare routine is an optional step, you certainly don’t need it in order to treat mature skin. however, serums can help a lot in the process, since they provide many benefits which are usually hard to find in a single product.
Serums help with skin renewal as well as giving you that healthy glow. There are many ingredients to look for in a serum, such as hyaluronic acid.
Include Some Kind of an Under Eye Cream
The area under the eyes doesn’t get nearly enough attention as the rest of the face. Why is this so? It’s only logical that this negligence starts to take its toll on the skin, whether that’s in the form of under eye bags and circles, wrinkles or general dryness. The skin around the eyes moves a lot, particularly when you make movements such as blinking, smiling or crying. On top of that, we’re often in the habit of rubbing our eyes unconsciously or being too rough on the skin when we apply or remove makeup.

When it comes to eye cream, the earlier you start to use it the better! Most people believe that early twenties are not an appropriate time to include some kind of eye cream, which is a big mistake. Under eye creams don’t have to have anti-aging properties, a simple and natural hydrating cream will often do the trick. The skin under the eyes is a lot thinner and more delicate than the one on the face, which is why it’s one of the first places that show signs of aging. Dry skin under the eyes is more prone to wrinkles, so by hydrating on a regular basis you’re preventing wrinkles in the future.
A good under eye cream can go a long way. They’re gentle on the skin since they’re designed to go directly under the eye, and most of them contain plenty of useful ingredients such as antioxidants and vitamins.
If you prefer natural skincare, don’t worry! You can find under eye creams which aren’t heavily based on chemicals and contain a lot of natural ingredients.
Apply your cream twice a day regularly and you will start to notice a huge improvement in a few months’ time.
Try out a Wrinkle Treatment
More serious skin treatments such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion can do wonders for your deep wrinkles.
These treatments work by removing damaged skin layers and revealing healthier and more youthful skin underneath. The end result will be softer, more elastic skin with even skin tone.
Chemical peels involve an acid. The acid burns your skin to a certain degree which makes it peel and renew itself afterward. There is a variety of acids which can be used with a chemical peel. The severity of the acid depends on what the treatment is aimed to repair.
For instance, milder chemical peels which work on hyperpigmentation and fine lines often use salicylic acid and glycolic acid. They remove the first skin layer called the epidermis, meaning that they don’t penetrate as deeply as other acids would. This makes for less long-lasting results, however, the side-effects are less severe than harsher chemical peels and the healing time is shorter. Mild chemical peels are a good option for those that can’t miss days off work and can’t afford to have their skin looking red and burnt for days on end.
Medium chemical peels typically include trichloroacetic acid. These types of peels remove the second layer of skin too, which might sound disturbing but the results, in most cases, are terrific. By removing the second skin layer, new collagen is produced, which is one of the key ingredients to keeping your skin youthful and healthy. Medium chemical peels do require more downtime and they usually take a few weeks to recover from. At first, the skin looks like it’s suffered a sunburn. But after an initial couple of weeks, the skin starts to look healthy again and the firmness and elasticity is heavily improved.
It can get even deeper than this! Some of the most abrasive chemical peels include acids like phenol which causes a deeper chemical burn. These come with more severe side-effects and the recovery time is longer, which is why most people are put off them. Not to mention, you risk serious damage like permanent scarring and discoloration.
General Tips
Now that you’re familiar with the proper steps of your ideal skincare routine for mature skin, it’s time to delve deeper and examine all the lifestyle factors which can have a negative effect on your skin and even cause premature signs of aging.

Remember, not only will these tips make you feel better, but they’re also an indispensable part of any good skin regime. No matter how many products you put on your skin, if the inside isn’t taken care of then none of the products will work. Genetics do play a major role when it comes to this, but they’re not the only factor we should look at. Sure, there are some people out there who can get away with washing their face with just water every day and not get any wrinkles for decades, but those of us who aren’t that lucky need to pay close attention to what we’re doing to our bodies.
Be Consistent with Hydration
We covered how important an effective moisturizer is for preserving the youthful appearance of the face, but let’s not forget to moisturize from the neck down as well. The neck and the hands are places where you can see visible signs of aging, so make sure you aren’t neglecting those.
Choose a soothing lotion or body butter and slather it on your skin each time you get out of the shower. Your skin will thank you.
Apply Lip Balm
The lips shouldn’t be neglected as well. If you want to keep that plump and rosy look in the long run, make sure you’re applying a softening and hydrating lip balm every day, especially before you go to bed.
Stop Smoking and Excessive Alcohol Consumption
Both smoking and excessive amounts of alcohol can prematurely age your skin.
If you want to keep your skin fresh and healthy, think about quitting smoking and limiting your alcohol intake to fewer glasses and opting for red wine instead of other alcohol options.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleeping heals your skin and allows for normal functioning of the body. after all, if you aren’t getting enough sleep, how will you have the energy for all these other anti-aging habits and a regular skincare routine?

It’s called beauty sleep for a reason. Make sure you’re getting at least seven hours of sleep every night.
Work Out a Couple of Times Per Week
Research says that regular exercise creates substances which help slow down aging in the skin. On top of that, exercises improve blood flow to the face, meaning more nutrients and oxygen will make their way to your face. Sweating clears out your pores, which can definitely help if you suffer from any congestion.
Manage your Stress Levels
Stress causes your body to become more sensitive and more reactive, which means that any skin issue you’re suffering from will take longer to heal than usual.
If you have acne-prone skin, chances are increased stress levels also cause you to break out due to the increase of the stress hormone called cortisol.
Stress can also aggravate skin problems such as rosacea and eczema. Exercising, reading, meditating and writing are a great way to distress and help your skin heal itself.
Include Wrinkle-Fighting Food in your Diet
How we eat affects how we look. The skin is no exception. Eating a diet rich with whole, unprocessed foods and a lot of fruits and vegetables is the best way to go.
There are specific foods you can go for if you want that added anti-aging benefit. Some of the best anti-aging foods include broccoli, papaya, avocado, nuts, berries, oranges, and leafy greens. Loaded with vitamins and minerals, these options will make you glow from inside out. You will not only look your best but feel your best as well.
Final thoughts
If you have mature skin, we hope that you found this article helpful.
Genetics do play a big role when it comes to the way our skin ages through the years, but we shouldn’t take genetics as an excuse not to do anything about our skin.
With a proper skincare routine, lots of trial and error, and patience for experimenting and making mistakes we can improve our skin to a great extent. Our lifestyle choices play an equally big part of getting the most out of our skin and preserving its youthful appearance.