How To Get Rid Of Acne For Good

How To Get Rid Of Acne For Good

Acne, that annoying red rash that changes people and makes them do things. Its mundane nature and surface appearance shouldn’t fool you, because it’s one of the more insidious phenomena as far as mental health goes. Stay with us today to learn how to get rid of acne for good.

get rid of acne

Why Getting Rid Of Acne Is Important

Acne is like a chimera, speaking a language of its own, depending on a person's health, lifestyle, and genetics. Like a many-headed dragon, acne inflammation comes in a dozen varieties, ranging from an unsuspecting pink rash to a sea of painful, red pimples, to large, wobbly and disfiguring cysts. As you can already guess, visits to the bathroom and standing in front of the mirror can become intensely unpleasant and problematic.

Gradually, people tormented by persistent acne and the prospect of long-term scars begin doubting their minds. There’s a new, toxic conversation that wasn’t there before: am I ugly? Am I no longer attractive? Am I worthy? These doubts are corrosive but tempting. If a person isn’t trained in observing their own mind and has no training in pruning their own thoughts, a habit of negative self-talk quickly develops. If left unchallenged, this habit becomes self-reinforcing and forms a negative spiral that can lead to anxiety, depression, and in extreme cases, even suicide.

get rid of acne

It is for this reason that people who suffer from acne will try almost anything. And our world is one where people actively abuse the desperation of other people looking for cures, medicines, in one word - salvation. There is a need for clarity, and the ability to distinguish between what’s effective, as opposed to what is, essentially, professionally packaged snake oil.

And that's why we’re here - to cut through the chaos and offer you tips that work. To offer you the truth and save you precious time and money.

So, let's see how to get rid of acne - for good.

how to get rid of acne for good


Before we talk about how to get rid of acne, let's see how we can prevent them from appearing in the first place.

If You Want To Get Rid Of Acne For Good, Keep Your Face Clean

Wash your face gently. But no more than twice a day, since too much washing can be counterproductive. You should also be careful about the type of soap that you use. Always go for non-drying soaps since too much dryness can irritate your skin. Among other things, you can also use skin cleaning tissues, but avoid those that irritate your skin.

how to get rid of acne for good

And Keep Your Face Moisturized

A large number of acne products contain ingredients that can dry out the skin, which isn't good if you're looking to prevent acne. When choosing a moisturizer, look for the “non-comedogenic” mark on the label. That means it should not be contributing to acne. Everyone's skin is different, though, so if you have exceptionally dry, or oily skin, look for the products appropriate for your skin. It may also be good for you to reconsider drinking coffee every day. 

Give Cleansers A Try

Most of these are over-the-counter and don't need a prescription from your doctor, but they work. Look for quality cleansers that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, glycolic acid, and lactic acid. These are proven to prevent acne because they clean the pores, disinfect your skin and prevent acne from forming. Additionally, you could try other topical solutions as well, such as an OTC retinoid gel (Differin 0.1% gel). If you have sensitive skin, however, you should use these products carefully and sparingly.

how to get rid of acne for good

Whatever You Do, Don't Touch Your Face

I can’t emphasize this enough. Avoid touching your face because you never know how clean your hands actually are. If you really have to, always wash your hands beforehand.

Keep Your Pillows and Sheets Clean

Unclean pillowcases, musky pillows, and sheets are the breeding grounds for dust, mold, bacteria, and viruses. Wash your pillows at least once a week to prevent bacteria from building up and jumping on your face. This is especially important if you’re dealing with cheek acne since unclean pillows can often cause them.

how to get rid of acne for good

Clean Your Phone And Keep It Away From Your Face

Yep, who would've thought, but phones appear to be a major vector in causing cheek acne inflammation and the irritations that go with it. That's because we carry our phones everywhere, we touch them all the time, we leave them on any surface that comes handy, and we almost never disinfect them. Use alcohol or wet wipes to clean your phone every few days - especially if you want to avoid cheek acne.

Careful With The Makeup

It's just more stuff to slather on top of your skin and clog your pores. Which, as we have already mentioned, is a key factor in causing acne inflammation. Minimize your use of makeup and avoid it altogether whenever possible.

how to get rid of acne for good

Think Twice About Putting Stuff On Your Hair

Gels, oils, sprays, pomades… All of those are fine as long as they don't reach your face and clog your pores. But what's the likelihood of that not happening? Exactly.

Avoid Too Much Sun If You Want To Get Rid Of Acne For Good

Especially between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm, since that's when the harmful UV radiation is most intense. What's more, some acne medications can actually make you more sensitive to sunlight. If you must go out and about, wear a long-sleeved shirt, pants, and of course а broad-brimmed hat. If you use sunscreens, go for the ones with the “non-comedogenic” label.

how to get rid of acne for good

Maintain A Healthy Diet

While there's no single miracle diet out there, especially not for acne, it's best if you avoid certain types of foods. Reduce or eliminate junk food, overly greasy food and treats rich in processed sugars, since it increases the likelihood of triggering acne. Try to eat more vegetables, and it might even be worth it to eliminate dairy.

If You Want To Get Rid Of Acne, Avoid Coffee Or Give It up Entirely

You may hate this, but if you really want to help yourself and get rid of acne, you should better think twice about drinking coffee. Coffee may be everywhere and it's practically our modern-day ritual, but the ways in which coffee can cause acne are serious and many.

how to get rid of acne for good

From its usual combination with milk and sugar and maintaining vitamins and minerals in your system, coffee is not your friend when it comes to acne. For a complete analysis of the effects of coffee on skin health and its connection with acne, check out our special article devoted to coffee and acne.

Exercise, Healthy Sleep, Destress

These three usually go hand in hand and complement each other, and they’re all important factors in acne prevention.

Regardless of the type of exercise you will choose, it is important that you never touch your face and keep your clothes clean. After all, gym equipment is touched by hundreds, if not thousands of people on a daily basis, each of them slathering their own body fluids and specific bacteria around. Not to mention the dust and grime and panting and coughing and what not. Maintain personal hygiene and avoid touching your face.

how to get rid of acne for good

To destress, you can do several things. For a start, think about the situations that make you stressed or nervous, and if possible avoid them or seek to minimize exposing yourself to them. You could also try meditation, yoga, swimming, knitting or some other hobby of yours that you find calming.

Exercise and distress, and healthy sleep will soon follow. That means that your immune system will slowly, but surely, grow stronger and that your hormonal balance will be harmonized and restored. Both of those factors are very crucial in the prevention of acne. But what about the treatments?

how to get rid of acne for good

Acne Treatments Are Designed To Get Rid Of Acne For Good

As you may be well aware, people are really trying everything under the sun. And while there are hundreds of, let’s say, suspicious acne treatments, we will only be covering those that seem sensible, and those that actually work. It’s the internet, after all, and one can really find anything. Have a crazy idea about an acne cure? Just google it, we dare you. Chances are that someone, somewhere, has already tried that.

To make navigating through this article easier,  we have organized acne treatments into three categories.

Conventional treatments are your everyday skin care products, acne products, and supplements that you don’t need a doctor’s prescription. These are widely available and you can buy them over the counter almost instantly, no hassle involved. In general, these treatments are mostly reserved for mild to medium acne.

how to get rid of acne for good

Medical treatments are any medications, procedures (like laser resurfacing), formulas, therapy or treatments that require a doctor’s consultation, permission, control, and oversight. While you can buy these in most drug stores, you won’t be able to do that without a doctor’s prescription. Generally speaking, medical treatments are usually intended for treating medium to very severe acne, although you can find products that will be suitable for treating mild acne as well. If you want to learn more about medical treatments for acne, head over to our informative article on strong acne medication.

Alternative treatments are any treatments, popular or not, that don’t fall into the two categories above. These are usually home remedies and DIY solutions. In short, treatments that are not necessarily purchasable in a ready-made product form, nor prescribed by modern medicine. With that being said, let’s start.

how to get rid of acne for good

Conventional Treatments

As we mentioned above, under the moniker of conventional treatments we consider ordinary skin care products and a variety of vitamins or mineral supplements, such as Zinc, Selenium, and so on. The key criterium here is that you don’t need a doctor’s prescription for these treatments, therefore they’re ‘conventional.’ Most of these products are widely available and you can buy them over the counter with no hassle involved. In general, these treatments are mostly reserved for mild to medium acne. Below you’ll find a list that’s further categorized into over-the-counter products and supplements.

Over-The-Counter Products For Getting Rid Of Acne

There are way too many products on today’s skin care market for us to enumerate here. But thankfully, there’s a very useful heuristic that will help you decide which are the best ones. Our advice is to look for products that contain the following three ingredients:

Benzoyl Peroxide

An otherwise generic compound used in many different products and industries, benzoyl peroxide is particularly well-suited for the treatment of acne. Why? Well, one of the main causal factors for acne is the Propionibacterium acnes bacterium - which is anaerobic, i.e. it ‘hates oxygen.’ Which is where the ‘peroxide’ part of the benzoyl peroxide comes into play - it basically drowns these acne-inducing bacteria in an oxygen tsunami. Besides reducing the inflammation, the extra oxygen also helps unclog the pores and hair follicles - which makes benzoyl peroxide such a key compound.

how to get rid of acne for good

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is keratolytic, which is science lingo for “this helps dissolve the cellular bonds that keep dead skin cells together.” In short, salicylic acid and other exfoliating substances keep the pores clean and dismantles the dead pimples which then hastens skin regeneration. This acid doesn’t have antimicrobial properties, so it works best when combined with benzoyl peroxide.


It may stink like rotten eggs, but this caustic element dries up the skin and makes it peel more easily. Additionally, sulfur has the property of absorbing extra skin oil (sebum), so it also aids the prevention of acne. Of course, any product that contains sulfur should be used carefully and sparingly.

Ideally, you should look for products that contain all three of these ingredients. However, that’s often not the case, so your second best option is to find these ingredients sold separately in two or three products. Remember, always read and follow the instructions that come with the product, and just in case - consult with a doctor or a dermatologist.

how to get rid of acne for good


Most supplements are harmless and can be purchased over-the-counter, but in some cases, they can also be prescribed by a doctor. Generally extracted from plants and minerals, most supplements are ‘natural’, but there are also some that are synthetic (lab-made). Here’s a list of some of the most useful supplements in preventing and treating acne.

In Order To Get Rid Of Acne For Good, Check Your Zinc Levels

In case you missed elementary school, don’t fret - zinc is a mineral. It is often referred to as an "essential trace element," because it’s required in tiny amounts, but it’s not produced by the human body. Without zinc, the normal human body cannot develop and a whole range of harmful conditions appear. While you can also take zinc in the form of oral supplements, it can also be applied topically - but to little effect. However, consumed zinc helps keep the skin healthy by regulating our immune response and preventing inflammation.

Supplements help, but zinc is also plentiful in red meats, like pork and beef, but is also found in fish, poultry, dairy, and eggs. Legumes, beans, nuts, and seeds contain zinc too, as well as a small number of vegetables. This means that as long as you’re following a diverse and rich diet, you’ll be getting plenty of zinc. For more information on zinc and its role in treating acne, check out our article dedicated to exactly that.

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Don’t Underestimate The Role Of Vitamin C For Acne

Vitamin C, also known as L-Ascorbic acid, is a powerful antioxidant that has a wide variety of uses. It is an essential vitamin, which means that it is not produced by the human body and it must be consumed through food or supplements. Vitamin C helps regenerate a number of tissues, such as blood vessels and tendons, but since it is also a key part in the production of collagen, it also helps repair skin and heals scar tissue.

Additionally, being an antioxidant, Vitamin C is tasked with cleaning the body of free radicals - harmful compounds that damage the tissues in the body down to our very DNA. Vitamin C is widely found in fruits and vegetables, where it is naturally ‘activated’ - which makes it much more efficient. In the case of supplements, you should be on the lookout for products that boast an ‘activated’ form of Vitamin C. Generally, the Acerola-based Vitamin C supplements contain a highly concentrated and activated Vitamin C extracted naturally from the acerola fruit. For more information, refer to our article on the role of Vitamin C in preventing acne.

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The Same Applies For The Role Of Vitamin E Oil For Acne Too

Vitamin E is a group of chemical compounds found in leafy greens, oils, and vegetables. Scientists categorize it as a ‘fat-soluble’ antioxidant, which is fancy science speak for ‘it gets stored in the fatty tissues.’ From there, Vitamin E travels around the body through blood vessels and the channels of the lymph system.

Like Vitamin C, Vitamin E also acts as a bouncer for those pesky free radicals, protecting our body at the cellular level. Regarding acne, the oil variant of Vitamin E is especially useful since it contains powerful moisturizing components. However, since Vitamin E oil is greasy and thick, it is not recommended for oily skin - but people with dry skin will find it a godsend. Additionally, Vitamin E oil prevents the formation of scars and it works wonders for sunburns. If you want to learn more about this, check out our article on the benefits, side effects and intricacies of Vitamin E oil.

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Another Factor To Consider? L-Lysine For Acne

L-Lysine (chemical name Lysine monohydrochloride), is an essential amino acid, which means that it is not produced by the human body. This makes its supplementation mandatory, either by way of food or supplements. L-Lysine helps the production of carnitine, a substance which plays a role in converting the body’s fatty acids into energy, while also absorbing calcium. That means fewer fats in the body for the production of pore-clogging sebum, which makes L-Lysine an important ally in preventing the formation of acne.

Furthermore, L-Lysine boosts the production of collagen in the body, which plays a crucial role in maintaining skin health and its elasticity. These functions - the regulation of fatty acids and collagen in the body - have made L-Lysine an especially interesting essential amino acid when it comes to the treatment of acne. For more information on this amazing substance, check out our article on the benefits of L-Lysine for acne and clear skin.

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Medical Treatments

As we explained above, we consider medical treatments to be any treatments in the form of medicines, solutions, formulas, therapy or procedures that require a doctor’s consultation, permission, control, and oversight. While you can buy some of these products and medications (even devices) in most drug stores, you won’t be able to do so without a doctor’s prescription.

Medical treatments are usually designed for treating medium to very severe acne, although you can find treatments that will be suitable for treating mild acne as well. This is especially the case if the acne inflammation is persistent and/or non-responsive to conventional or alternative treatments.

Another Wonder Of Nature: Glutathione For Acne

Referred to as the “master antioxidant” by scientists, glutathione is a nonessential, naturally produced antioxidant in the body. Glutathione is a complex chemical, comprised of three building blocks of amino acids – l-cysteine, glutamine, and glycine.

how to get rid of acne for good

Naturally, it can be found in almost every cell of the human body, while it is highly concentrated in organs such as the liver, the heart, lungs, the brain, and the kidneys. Regarding its role in managing acne inflammations, glutathione helps by reducing inflammation and removing free radicals in the body. But more specifically, glutathione protects the surface levels of our skin, acting as a shield for irritants such as cigarette smoke and dust. These pollutants act on squalene, a compound in naturally-occurring sebum, and transform it into squalene peroxide - which blocks our pores even further, raising the likelihood of an acne inflammation severely.

This is why glutathione is important - because it actively hunts for and eliminates such pollutants and free radicals, keeping the skin healthy and clean. Not only that, but it has been shown that this nonessential antioxidant is also beneficial in the treatment of other severe skin conditions, like psoriasis. However, too much glutathione can cause a variety of harmful diseases and conditions in the body, so supplementation should be moderate and, if necessary, controlled by a medical professional.

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Accutane / Isotretinoin For Acne

Probably modern medicine’s ultimate weapon against acne, Accutane (and Roaccutane in Europe) was originally the brand name of what is now scientifically known as isotretinoin.

The name largely stuck, however, even though the medicine has been marketed under other brand names, like Claravis, Amnesteem, ABsorica, Zenatane, Myorisan, Sotret and so on. Accutane (isotretinoin) is a class of compounds similar to Vitamin A known as retinoids.

The power of isotretinoin lies in its ability to modify our cells at the deepest of levels - it affects DNA transcription in such ways that it prevents acne. However, since Accutane (isotretinoin) is so powerful, it comes with a long list of very dangerous side effects, such as birth defects, severe pains and possibly even mental illness.

The use of Accutane (isotretinoin) is usually reserved for people with severe cystic acne, where the condition has been painful, long and systemic. Pregnancy tests and subsequent blood tests are mandatory for people undergoing Accutane (isotretinoin) therapy, but the results are stellar - more than 85% of patients end the therapy with smooth skin, almost baby faced. For more in-depth coverage of this subject, head over to our article on Accutane (isotretinoin) and its pros and cons.

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Can Antibiotics Help Us With Getting Rid Of Acne For Good?

Antibiotics are less effective than Accutane, but are often prescribed by doctors because they can still be helpful in treating acne. Usually, the antibiotics in question are clindamycin, tetracycline, erythromycin, metronidazole, and others. Most of these can be applied in two ways - either as topical solutions or taken orally.

As the name suggests, topical antibiotics come in the form of gels, creams, solutions and so on, and have to be applied to the affected area itself. Topical antibiotics are helpful because they can reduce the inflammation by eradicating the infectious bacteria.

Oral antibiotics, on the other hand, are your usual pill or tablet. This means that you will need to be disciplined and swallow the dose that your doctor prescribed to you. When following therapy of oral antibiotics it is essential to be consistent with the doses and stick to the schedule. Every antibiotic needs some time until it reaches saturation levels that allow it to influence harmful bacteria. The skin is already difficult to reach, so make sure that you take your prescribed antibiotics religiously. For more on the use of antibiotics for getting rid of acne and other strong medications, head over to our article on strong acne medications.

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Medical Treatments For Acne Scars

Modern medicine is making continuous headways into treating acne, but it has especially advanced in treating acne scars. Depending on the type and severity of the acne, scars come in three types: atrophic scars, hypertrophic scars, and discoloration (which is subdivided into three variants).

Atrophic scars resemble holes in the skin, which can be deep or shallow. Hypertrophic scars are the opposite of these - imagine hills all over your skin. Most atrophic and hypertrophic scars are formed by cystic acne, even though they are a fairly common consequence from other acne types as well (as in forcefully popped pimples, and so on).

Discoloration comes in three types, or let’s say, shades: hyper-pigmentation (darkening of the skin), hypo-pigmentation (lightening of the affected skin area) or erythema, or the permanent reddening of the skin in the affected areas. If you want to learn how to even out your skin tone on your own, head over to our article dedicated on how to even out your skin tone.

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Chemical Peels Can Help With Removing Acne Scars

The phrase “chemical peel” refers to a controlled procedure where a certain chemical solution, like salicylic acid, is applied to the skin. The purpose of this procedure is to remove the uppermost layer of skin since it’s the one most affected by wrinkles, discoloration, acne scars and so on.

After a certain period of recovery, the body renews this top layer of skin, making the person’s appearance smoother and younger. Depending on their depth and concentration, there are three types of chemical peel procedures: light chemical peel (also known as a ‘superficial peel’), medium chemical peel, and deep chemical peel.

Of course, not all acne is created equal, and neither is our skin. Before undergoing a chemical peel treatment, you should always consult with your doctor or dermatologist. For more in-depth information on chemical peels, how they work and whether you should do one, visit our article on chemical peels for acne.  

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Medical Lasers For Treating Acne Scars

Medical lasers, also known as laser resurfacing procedures, come in various configurations and types and are used for the treatment of different skin conditions. For example, some medical lasers are used to reverse scarring from discoloration, where the light emitted by the laser modifies the pigment under the skin in desirable ways. Lasers can both darken and lighten desired skin areas, which makes them one of the prime treatments for skin discoloration.

But the usefulness of lasers doesn’t stop here. Other types of medical lasers are employed in a variety of skin smoothing procedures by way of stimulating collagen production, which helps make shallow atrophic scars less pronounced. Hypertrophic scars are also subject to treatment by laser; a procedure known as laser resurfacing has been shown to be effective even in smoothing out the elevated tissues of the skin.

 how to get rid of acne for good

Microneedling / Dermaroller

One of the latest technologies intended for scar removal and skin-rejuvenation, the dermaroller, has shown surprising results in smoothing out stretch-marks and removing scars. In this day and age, dermarollers are widely available and very affordable. And since they come in a great number of shapes and sizes, they’re super customizable too. This means that almost anyone can find a dermaroller that fits their specific needs.

But how does it work?

Dermarollers use a technique similar to acupuncture called microneedling, which stimulates the production of collagen in a similar way. By inflicting thousands of tiny, but harmless little holes in your skin, the dermaroller jolts your body into producing new amounts of collagen to heal the wounds. This extra collagen has a relaxing and rejuvenating effect on the skin because collagen practically rebuilds everything. A similar procedure to microneedling is microdermabrasion, which is well worth checking out if you want to reverse signs of aging and reduce scars. For more information on removing acne scars, please visit our article on how to get rid of pimple scars.

how to get rid of acne for good

Alternative Treatments

As we mentioned in the introduction, we consider alternative treatments to be any treatments, popular or not, that don’t fall into the previous two categories above. If a certain treatment is considered neither conventional nor medical, it falls into the category of alternative.

Most of these alternative treatments for acne are DIY solutions, herbs or home remedies. So let’s see what mother nature and human ingenuity on the internet have in store for us.

Can Olive Oil Help Us Get Rid Of Acne For Good?

Is it really that surprising that olive oil has been used as a cosmetic treatment for centuries?

Since humans invented it, olive oil has been a popular option for face lotions, full body lotions, tons of hair masks and a variety of cuticle treatments. History tells us that people would even sprinkle a few drops in their baths regularly, making their skin moisturized but protected.

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However, scientific studies have shown that applying olive oil on your skin can actually contribute to the appearance of acne. This is because the oleic acid, a substance found in olive oil, feeds the bacteria but also contributes to the clogging of pores. But is that all for olive oil? Are there really no positive sides to using it? Be sure to check out our article on olive oil for acne - and see how it works.

The Hidden Benefits Of Green Tea For Acne

Everyone’s drinking green tea lately, aren’t they? Heck, even I am enjoying a cup of green tea while writing this. But what makes green tea so healthy and popular?

Well, what we know so far is that green tea is a major source of polyphenols, a type of antioxidants found in food. If you’ve followed this article closely, you’d already know that antioxidants help protect our bodies - including our skin - from damage caused by the so-called free radicals.

how to get rid of acne for good

Green tea, being especially rich in antioxidants, can help reduce inflammatory processes in the body and soothe the existing acne inflammations that you might already have. Additionally, green tea can also act as a balancing force for your hormones, which is yet another factor in helping people who suffer from hormonal acne. But that’s not all. Did we mention the tons of skin care masks you can make with the help of green tea? If you want to learn more about the many benefits of green tea and how it affects our skin, feel free to check out our article on it.

You Can Try Castor Oil For Acne Too

Castor oil has a long history. In the bygone days of Ancient Egypt, ancient scrolls reveal that castor oil was used to protect the eyes from irritation. Some legends even say that Cleopatra used it to make her eyeballs whiter, which would strike fear and awe in whoever was addressing her.

Fast forward to the 1800s, and we find that the doctors of the time recommended castor oil as the cure for practically everything - although it was mostly used as a laxative. But curiously enough, 21st-century medicine has yet to confirm any of the claims made by physicians of past eras.

how to get rid of acne for good

When it comes to skin problems and acne, however, castor oil can really be useful. Apart from helping the body achieve pH balance, castor oil is also a powerful moisturizer and does a good job at combating inflammation. This is because one of the main components of castor oil, ricinoleic acid, has antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

And did I mention how its fatty acids prevent the formation of scars? I didn’t, but you can learn a lot more about castor oil and its many benefits for acne in our article dedicated to it.

Turmeric Has Been Shown To Have Amazing Effects On Acne

One of the most popular spices, turmeric comes from the plant of the same name which belongs to the ginger family. Resembling a flower, this wonder plant is native to the tropical belt of South Asia, making it a staple of Asian cuisine, much like curry.

But what makes turmeric so special?

how to get rid of acne for good

Well, after thousands of peer-reviewed studies in the past twenty-five years, it turns out that the legends of the healing powers of turmeric are pretty much true. Namely, turmeric contains a compound known as curcumin, which is a super powerful antioxidant. Besides giving turmeric its intense yellow color, curcumin boasts a number of anti-inflammatory, antioxidative and antibacterial properties.

There are many ways in which turmeric can be used to alleviate acne, reduce redness, reverse discoloration and so on. If you want to learn more about the uses of turmeric and curcumin in the treatment of acne, head over to our main article dedicated to turmeric.

Have You Heard About The Amazing Effects Of Rice Water For Acne?

You may be unfamiliar with rice water, but it’s huge in Asia. It’s one of the most well-known ingredients in the cosmetic industry there, frequently encountered in Korean, Japanese and Chinese skin care products. Asia has a long history with rice and its uses. Besides using it to wash their faces, Japanese and Chinese farmers have soaked their bodies in rice water since ancient times, and for the Yao women in Huangluo, a mountainous village in China, rice water was the secret for their silky, voluminous, long hair.

But what about rice water and acne? Well, it turns out that rice water is brimming with Vitamins C, B, and E, but also with starch, complex carbohydrates, protein, and last but not least, minerals.

how to get rid of acne for good

This complex mixture of antioxidants, proteins, minerals, and other ingredients makes rice water a good all-round solution to addressing a number of skin care issues. Besides refreshing our skin and making it appear youthful, science has found that the compounds in rice water often act as a sort of natural sunscreen, reflecting most of the sun’s harmful UV radiation away. Little wonder then, that the farmers in Asia used rice water since times immemorial.

But is rice water for everyone’s type of skin? Are there potential negative sides to using it? This is just the tip of the iceberg - for a lot more in-depth information on rice water, its effect on acne, and the many ways in which you can use it, head over to our article on the subject.

Shea Butter Can Do Wonders For Your Acne

When people hear butter, they usually imagine a cow, blissfully grazing on a verdant Alpine meadow. But you couldn’t be further from the truth when it comes to some kinds of butter, in this case, shea butter.

Extracted from the cocoa-colored nut of the African shea tree, shea butter has seen a variety of uses. Its wide array of uses, ranging from the kitchen (as cooking oil) to the bathroom, and as a popular ingredient in tons of skincare products in the cosmetic industry, attests to the fact that shea butter packs some powerful benefits. Besides containing a high amount of fatty acids (shea butter is, after all, a triglyceride, meaning fat), it is also rich in Vitamins A, F, and E.

how to get rid of acne for good

When it comes to acne, however, shea butter also contains a lot of triterpene alcohols, which help the other ingredients of the butter penetrate the skin more fully. These antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects of shea butter make it one of the best, and most versatile alternative treatments for acne. Anti-inflammatory and versatile, you say? Exactly, and not just that. Shea butter can also act as a sunscreen, but that’s just one of its many uses. For more knowledge on shea butter and its uses in skin care and treating acne, head over to our in-depth article dedicated to exactly that.

So Can You Get Rid of Acne for Good?

Getting rid of acne for good is not an easy job - but someone has to do it. It becomes apparent that humanity has been trying hard to deal with this skin condition since times immemorial. Acne has been with us since we began walking upright, and it shows no signs of leaving any time soon.

But as time goes by, more and more treatments become available. We learn more and more about the many causes of acne.

Is it an infection?

Is it simply due to poor hygiene?

Is the cause maybe hormonal, and with that, possibly dietary?

Or is it, after all, down to personal genetics?

how to get rid of acne for good

More often than not, the cause of acne cannot be isolated to just one single factor. Most times, it’s a combination of hormones and poor hygiene. Other times, a person can be genetically predisposed against having acne, but they might produce circumstances which will trigger a bacterial infection on the skin. And voilà - acne. From a simple pink rash to hundreds of tiny red pimples, from blackheads to whiteheads, and all the way to thick, painful, cystic acne on your neck, shoulders, chin, cheeks (wherever you can imagine, really), the variety and intensity of acne is astounding.

But that’s just the acute manifestation of acne. What about scars, discoloration, redness, and swelling? Modern medicine has come up with many ways to try and deal with that problem, some more successful than others. But giving up is admitting defeat. There are plenty of solutions out there that work well in preventing, treating, and even healing acne scars.

It has to be said though that it is always wise to test out a product before using it. Performing a patch test will tell you how your skin will react to a given substance or a product, and whether you will experience irritation or an allergic reaction. Do a patch test and you will save yourself a lot of pain - and ideally, some money too. 

how to get rid of acne for good

That is why we should always remain hopeful, optimistic, and equip ourselves with knowledge, because there are ways to better wrestle with this enemy. It may appear to be a simple rash, a superficial skin condition that will disappear just like it came, but the deleterious effects of acne should not be overlooked.

Besides it being awfully annoying to get rid of, acne’s true power lies in its ability to damage our mental health. It gives rise to a host of reasons why we should inspect ourselves in the mirror, over and over again. It can throw our self-esteem to the sharks, so to speak, and to escape unscathed requires expert swimming. But the more we know where these sharks are, the sooner we can swim out to shore.

This is why this article exists - to help you find your way back to shore. It can be done. Thousands have done it, and they are all healthier, happier, more satisfied people now.

how to get rid of acne for good

This article is designed to help you track down the cause, type, and treatment for each acne type. The treatment for your acne inflammation depends on the underlying causes, its type, and its severity. Is it simply due to poor hygiene, or you being oblivious with your phone on your cheeks? It could be. Once you have a good idea what the definition of your acne problem might be, you can proceed to consider some of the treatments mentioned here.

Before using any of these treatments, however - be those conventional, alternative or medical - it’s always the best to consult your doctor or dermatologist first. Diagnosing yourself online can cause no end to trouble - you could cause yourself harm, and your acne may turn out not to be acne after all. It may be a symptom of other, deeper conditions or diseases, or another type of skin condition altogether. This is why you need an expert’s opinion.

Good luck in your search, and remember - before diagnosing yourself or using a treatment, always consult with a dermatologist or a medical professional.

This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances, and its goal is to offer a general view of the subject. In case you are suffering from a severe case of acne, you should consult with a dermatologist or a certified medical professional.

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